Comprehensive service for your private movings within Berlin and surroundings
If you are working and have to take care of various family and social obligations, you often do not have time for the things and tasks that come along with private movings.
If you wish, we can take care of all the tasks involved in your move and provide you with our motivated moving assistants at a fixed price.
We are happy to bring all the materials required for the move with us. For private movings this usually includes things like: Furniture covers, lashing straps, sack trucks and professional tools in the removal van. You can also obtain other removal boxes from us at a reasonable price.
Private movings with Umzüge Berlin 24 so moving is fun
Your moving company in Berlin: Off to your new home with professional help! We make your private moves easy and comfortable. No matter whether it is packing the moving boxes, assembling and dismantling your furniture, renovation work or the thorough cleaning of the old or new apartment:
Our moving company from Berlin has many years of experience and offers you all solutions from one source - naturally at reasonable prices!
Whether small moves for single households, uncomplicated furniture transport for students or a complete move for the extended family with children and cones: The smooth handling of private movings of any kind is our daily bread.
Save money, help yourself with your private move in Berlin!
If you bring a little time with you and possibly have helpful friends and acquaintances, you can take over the majority of the move yourself and use the service of our moving company only for the transport of furniture and moving boxes.
For example, you can easily reduce the cost of moving by packing and preparing your boxes yourself for transport. Or by taking over the assembly of the furniture yourself. In this case, we will only provide you with professional support through our move helpers during the transport from the old to the new home.
Further services for private moves like renovation and more
After the move, things often go even further: the old apartment needs to be renovated and the furniture that is not needed should be professionally and properly disposed of.
Leave this work to the team of Umzüge Berlin 24 and we will also be happy to carry out extensive clearing out for you. Painting and wallpapering work can also be done.
Furthermore, we carry out cleaning work of all kinds: Cleaning of carpets, windows or electrical appliances and the disposal of old furniture and the like.
Cross-regional service: Even beyond the borders of Berlin, we bring you and your furniture safely to your new home. Simply contact us without obligation and we will make you an attractive offer that you cannot refuse. Umzüge Berlin 24 - Your flexible and reliable moving company when you need a quick and uncomplicated move.
Open questions or special wishes?
Always give it to me! We are happy to help you with words and deeds for all your concerns. Call us at 0157 / 394 456 99 write us a WhatsApp message or use our contact form. We are here for you!